The holiday season is rapidly approaching and with this comes the winter weather. This can take the storm of dropping temperatures, snowstorms, ice storms, blizzards, and more. It’s no secret that these issues can have a serious impact on the freight management industry. Therefore, with the temperatures already starting to drop, it is important for everyone who works in this field to prepare ahead of time. Fortunately, there are a few tips that everyone can follow to remain ahead of the cold weather in the freight management industry.
Think Durable and Eco-Friendly
The transit ride for items during the holiday season is often far rougher during the winter season. In order to protect these items, make sure to use durable materials. In addition, try to use “green” packaging that will increase the amount of brand positivity during the time of increased exposure around the holidays. Furthermore, when shipping electronics, remove the batteries and package them separately. Often, electronic items will accidentally “power on” during the transit. Then, the item will arrive drained and dead. This will lead to disappointment that can certainly be avoided.
Plan for Higher Staffing Needs
During the holiday season, shipping and logistics pick up across the country. Therefore, it is important for businesses to plan for this ahead of time. Think about the temporary workers that are going to be needed to keep the business running during the holiday season. Also, think about the tasks that would be best-suited to temporary workers. These are individuals who will need to get up to speed quickly and some tasks are better for these individuals than others. Fill these staffing needs as early as possible. It is also a good idea to place an incentive plan in place to motivate workers this season. Plan for the surge of workers and orders as early as possible.
Move Order Deadlines Earlier
Holiday logistics is often compared to a chess match due to the chaos generated by the various players in the industry. Often, shippers promise items ordered a few days before Christmas to be delivered on time. This can make it hard for freight management companies to keep up. Think about moving the deadlines up by a day or two. This is going to drastically reduce the number of orders that are placed at the last-minute. This will also lead to more consumer expectations being met. Every year, the number of orders placed right before the deadline increases. To cut back on this, move the deadline up by a day or two.
Stay Prepared This Holiday Season
These are only a few of the many tips that people can follow to make sure they are ready for the winter weather. The freight management industry is prone to impacts from the winter weather and it is important for companies to take steps to keep their clients satisfied. Following these tips will place freight management businesses in a good position to be successful this holiday season.