Every business owner involved with importing, exporting or simply transporting goods needs to understand the integral role of a container freight station. A container freight station is essentially a massive warehouse where containers are stored. Typically, items are stored in these stations for a short period of time while they were waiting for the next stop in their journey.
What is a Container Freight Station’s Role in the Import/Export Process?
One of the most common situations in which a business will require the services of a container freight station is during the import and export process. If you purchase your goods within a foreign country, they will all be consolidated at a container freight station while awaiting exportation. Unless you’re dealing with a massive volume of goods, other customer’s goods will be stored in the same container.
Essentially, container freight stations play a vitally important role in both importing and exporting. They create a centralized location for suppliers to send the products that have been ordered. They also act as a staging area before massive, often multi-million dollar shipments are transported.
Where Are Container Freight Stations Located?
Since container freight stations are typically used within the import and export process, they are commonly found by airports and harbors. They can also be found near major railway hubs, as railroads are used to distribute goods once they’ve been imported.
Once a shipment of containers reaches the country of origin, part of the role of a container freight station is to separate the containers and goods themselves for the individual customers. From here, the goods will either be transported by trucks or trains, or picked up by customers.
What is Needed to Pick Up Goods from a Container Freight Station?
If you or your drivers will be picking up a goods or a container from a container freight station, you’ll need to have the right documentation that authorizes you to make the pickup. Typically, the freight station will require two types of documents:
- Delivery Order. This form will give the freight station the permission required to release the goods either to a designated transport company or to you directly. Without a delivery order, they will be unable to authenticate the validity of your pickup.
- Customs Clearance. When it comes to importing and exporting any type of good, clearing customs is an important part of the process. You or your organization will receive a form from customs that indicates that your goods are allowed into the country. This form must be provided to the container freight station in order to gain access to your goods.
What Is the Responsibility of a Container Freight Station?
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of a container freight station to keep the ordered goods safe and secure until they are either picked up or shipped. In addition to keeping everything safe, they must also keep all goods properly sorted and ready for the next phase in transportation.
At any given time, a container freight station may have items that just arrived, items that are about to be shipped in bulk to another country and a section of items that are awaiting pickup by their owner. This means that administration and logistics are largely what happens at any container freight station.